Dec 31, 2007

Bridge Belly

Oil/cotton panel
Plein air

The belly of the bridge. It's amazing how orange it was. Marian Bear Park is the place, even for freeway bridges. I said it before, but every time I go there to paint I can't seem to get myself out of the parking lot and onto the many trails the park offers. So much beauty there. Tons of oak and sycamore trees. Gruppe would love it. Oh yeah, and the occasional rattle snake.


David Lobenberg said...

Love the warm colors on this one and what looks like a chain link fence. Just enough definition to pull off the look and feel of the scene. Do I detect some preliminary brush stroke texture that you painted over? Whatever it is, I like it!

Danny Griego said...

Hi David. It is a fence you're right. Didn't want to make the painting about a fence so I kept it subtle. The surface is a cotton panel from Raymar. I put a couple coats of gesso on already primed panel. Didn't mind the brush strokes from the gesso brush showing through. Thanks!

william wray said...

Nice color and great simple strong form. Well done!

Danny Griego said...

Just what I was shooting for; thanks for checking it out!

indiaartist said...

With minimum brushstrokes you have created such a beautiful picture. Great work. You are equally good at portraits. Great blog.

Danny Griego said...

Thanks for checking out my blog paintings, indiaartist. Took a look at yours, keep up the good work!

Ed Roxburgh said...

Hey Danny, such a fine work, so glad we were out painting together under the bridge that chilly Dec 31 of last year.
I'm also so happy I had the luck to be able to purchase it, as well as some of your other beauties.

Danny Griego said...

Ed, thanks bro. Glad to see you are blogging and painting! We'll get out more for sure.